Online Chess Clock


About Online Chess Clock

Online Chess Clock is a rich javascript application which allows you to keep track of player time while playing chess (you'll need a real-life offline board-game).

Use keyboard shortcuts to setup the clock and control the game timer for faster interaction.

General keyboard shortcuts

F1 or H Toggle help (this box)

Game setup keyboard shortcuts

NUMPAD 1 Decrease player 1 timer by one minute
NUMPAD 2 Decrease player 2 timer by one minute
NUMPAD 3 or - Decrease both timers by one minute
NUMPAD 4 Increase player 1 timer by one minute
NUMPAD 5 Increase player 2 timer by one minute
NUMPAD 6 or + Increase both timers by one minute
ENTER or SPACE Start the game clock

Clock keyboard shortcuts

P or PAUSE Pause the game clock
ESC twice End current game, returning to setup
ANY other key End of move and switch player

: 20:00 Decrease time Increase time
: 20:00 Decrease time Increase time
Start game Decrease time Increase time Help
Player 1: Counting..

Player 2: Counting..
Toggle player Restart the game Restart the game Help
Online Chess Clock by Dennis Milandt
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